Solar Return Reading with Meru Matu
Regular price
Every year at your birthday the Sun returns to the exact degree as the moment you where born and based on the other transits present at that time, sets the tone and directional focuses of the year ahead.
During this meeting we will discuss the main objectives and focuses of your own personal new year and see how you can best utilize the energies in conjunction with your already in place life and goals.
You will meet with Meru for 30 minuets live on Zoom which is accessible from any smart phone, tablet or computer as well as you may call in by telephone. You will receive a private YouTube link to your live video recording of your reading within 30 days of reading.
Once you have purchased your reading you will receive access to booking calendar. Please be sure to chose the link that corresponds with the reading that you have purchased. All times and dates will be displayed in your current time zone (at time of booking). Your Zoom invitation will be automatically sent so be sure to confirm your email address is correct when scheduling. You will be able to reschedule your own appointment from the confirmation email and please be sure to do so at least 24/hours in advance. NO REFUNDS for missed appointments, time will be deducted for late arrivals. Store credit towards a future reading for pre reading cancelations only.